Video Marketing Tips

What is Video Marketing?

Photo by Laura Lee Moreau on Unsplash.com
Photo by Laura Lee Moreau on Unsplash.com

We talk to people about what we do, we give them our business cards, we ask for referrals, put our ads in magazines and on Google, etc. We market ourselves, our services and our products.

Video Marketing is used to the same purpose, promoting ourselves, services and products, it just comes in video form. “If a picture paints 1,000 words then one minute of video is worth 1.8 million, so say Forrester’s researchers,” as stated on “TheGuardian.com”

Video Marketing itself is not new- since film was invented, it’s been used for promotion. Tv ads and trailers are still popular, but paying for ad space on the tv or big screen is not possible or even useful for everyone. What’s big now are engaging videos online, on our websites, our YouTube’s, Facebooks, email campaigns and more. YouTube gets 1 Billion UNIQUE users each month, and 4 Billion hits each day. Videos are the mainstream way to consume content now. And the great thing is, we all have the ability to make and access them.

When businesses use videos, to be successful they are used to entertain, to inform, to garner interest and to create brand trust and loyalty. You can post micro content (videos of only a few seconds long, think Vine), long videos (Gary Vaynerchuk’s Wine Library) or anything in between. What’s popular now are about 1-3 minute videos on a specific topic, offering specific answers, on your story or perhaps through the eyes of one of your consumers.

Video Marketers create videos through videographers (like me!) or on their own, sometimes just with an iPhone and YouTube’s free editing software. There are no wrong ways, but there are ways that are better and garner more positivity and results than others.

I’ll get into more of the “why” and the “how” in later articles, so if you’re interested, follow me!



For more information, check out these articles!






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