Gotta Read Blog!

I got a new camera!

By Katie Curtis | Feb 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

And I am LOVING it! 🙂

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What I love

By Katie Curtis | Feb 16, 2016 | 0 Comments

The homework from my Marketing group was to make a video of what I love about video editing. Here ya go!

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I went on a cruise, and here’s the beginning

By Katie Curtis | Feb 4, 2016 | 0 Comments

I was AWOL last week, and here’s a little bit of why. 🙂 Better stuff to come!

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What do I need to get started with Video Marketing?

By Katie Curtis | Jan 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

  -Yourself -A camera (your phone counts) -Internet Access That’s it. If you’re feeling gutsy, maybe you get a tripod. Or a selfie stick. But to actually START posting videos about your company or your business, and to start sharing your story, all you need is something that will record you, something to say, and …

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I’m not ignoring you!

By Katie Curtis | Jan 21, 2016 | 0 Comments

I happen to be out of the country and cannot answer your emails, tweets, phone calls or Facebook messages – I’m sorry!

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10 Tips for taking videos of people at a Trade Show

By Katie Curtis | Jan 19, 2016 | 0 Comments

Today I received a question for advice about making people feel comfortable taking video of them at a trade show. After having done quite a bit of that, here are my suggestions! The best way to ask is to do so confidently, clearly and with a smile. People are inclined to help, especially if you seem …

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I made a video!

By Katie Curtis | Jan 15, 2016 | 0 Comments

Crazy, right? A videographer made a video; what is this world coming to? Any who, it’s a tutorial, so if you have a Mac computer and want to know how to make a simple video with the built in program, you can do it!

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How are we doing on our goals?

By Katie Curtis | Jan 12, 2016 | 0 Comments

Hello folks! January 12 is here and how are we doing on our goals? I love “New Year’s Resolutions” time, much for the same reason I love “Valentine’s Day”. Not because I particularly get into either on the DAY (I love the message of both all year ’round) but for a short period of time, everyone …

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Yes, I did see Stonehenge

By Katie Curtis | Dec 5, 2015 | 0 Comments

This is a random note, but I was evaluating my website and trying to look at it as a potential customer would. I got to thinking, “How would a customer interpret my header photo?” (that of Stonehenge). It is quite strange… I took that photo (well, photos and had to merge it into a panorama). …

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By Katie Curtis | Oct 28, 2015 | 0 Comments

Welcome to the new site! This is my first encounter with a personal website so if you have any suggestions to improve the look or the experience, I’d be happy to hear them! For starters, my name is Katie Curtis and I am a videographer, editor and creator of videos for Inspired Video Marketing (online …

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Tips & Tricks

There's a thumbs up next to a cool coffee video still and a thumbs down next to a dog post

Don’t do THIS with your Social Media Videos

I see this mistake made with business's social media video posts. And their photo and text posts too. Don't do this!
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There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

Ever played with Canva? Let's make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.
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Video Marketing MAGIC

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …
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