Social Media Tips

How to get done what you say you’re going to get done for Social Media Marketing

photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash.com
photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash.com

You’ve heard it before. It’s not new advice. But where you’ve probably tried to use it, in some fitness arena, or with your New Year’s Resolutions, you might not have thought to use it with your social media strategy.

Alright, alright. What is it already? you may ask.

For whatever it is you want to do, Find someone to hold you accountable. Better yet, lots of someones. A group. Something.

We make promises to ourselves, yet somehow these promises are so easy to back out of. I’m suggesting that, whatever first task you want to take with your social media marketing strategy,  or your video marketing strategy, you tell people. Tell your friends, tell your alliances, tell your book group. (Side note: finding a group of small business owners to network with is a great idea, and would be the PERFECT group to tell. Local Marketing groups, Chamber of Commerce, Mastermind etc).

The more people who know about what you are going to do, the stronger the push.

Did you ever do the homework in high school when it was an optional thing? When you knew that doing it would help you learn the material or get a good grade on your test, yet no one was going to check that you did it? Maybe a few times… How about when you knew the teacher was going to look it over? When you were going to be graded on it? Even if it wasn’t something important to do, when, if you didn’t do it, you’d have to say you didn’t in front of the whole class? I’ll bet you did a lot more of the assignments from the latter.

When we grow up, these tendencies don’t go away. But suddenly, we become the ones to whom we are accountable because we don’t always have that authority figure or our peers to keep us in check.

I know it’s more work for you, but voluntarily enlist accountability buddies to keep you on the line. Eventually, it will become another habit and you won’t need the push, but changing is hard. Doing is hard. Starting is hard.

If you say to your people, “I’m going to post one blog a week. Be on the lookout for it every Thursday. If you don’t see it, I want you to ask me about it,” you’ve packed yourself so nicely into actually writing that blog, or doing that video, or sharing a graphic, or having a podcast or whatever.

Tell them WHAT you are going to do.

Tell them WHEN they should see what you’ve done.

Tell them to ASK you about it if they don’t see it.

Even if they never ask, the thought of someone asking might prompt you to just frickin’ do it. I’m sure we all have little time wasters that we do when we could be doing something else (It’s browsing Facebook for me. For you it could be a game, Netflix or Twitter). Some of that is good, but I’m sure we don’t just do “some” of that. Let’s kick our butts into gear, yes, perhaps with a little shaming, and get ourselves going.

It has worked for me. I’ve been running for nearly 3 years because I didn’t want to disappoint my Mastermind group, and I’ve begun sharing Tutorials on Tuesdays and Blogs on Thursdays (kept accountable again by my Mastermind group) to keep myself focused. I know you can do the same.

If you want to do this, but you don’t feel you have any accountability buddies, I’ll be it for you! Email me at katiecurtisvideomarketing@gmail.com or DM (direct message) me on Facebook. Let’s get you rocking your Social Media Marketing Strategy!

Happy Days everyone!


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