Gotta Read Blog!

Questions on Intellectual Rights and Answers from the Universe

By Katie Curtis | Sep 14, 2018 | 0 Comments
We look so cool

I’ve had a quandry rattling around in my head. Usually when we have some thought playing on repeat, it’s not something beneficial. It’s just some open loop that we run over and over looking for closure, mostly without realizing it, and usually not finding what we’re looking for until we finally bring it into focus. …

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TOP TEN Ideas for a video withOUT using your Face (video)

By Katie Curtis | Sep 9, 2018 | 0 Comments
But you have a lovely face, so use it sometimes, k?

If you just didn’t feel up to appearing in your own video, here are 10 ways to make a video without using your face! Resource section (aka giving credit where due!) Thumbnail photo by Adrian Pelletier on Unsplash My instagram Glenn Matecun- Estate Planning Lawyer Whiteboard software Kevin J. Anderson (he’s available for speaking engagements …

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Katie’s Top Ten Resources for Finding Music for Videos

By Katie Curtis | Sep 6, 2018 | 0 Comments
This is not MY microphone

So you make a cool video and you pop in your favorite song and try to upload it to Youtube… only for it to be BLOCKED. Because Youtube has determined that the content you used does not belong to you. Aaaaand because you used your favorite song that you don’t own nor have any ties …

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Sometimes you win while sleeping (usually after sacrificing lots of sleep)

By Katie Curtis | Aug 30, 2018 | 0 Comments
sleepy seal is sleepy

I awoke to a flight attendant tapping my shoulder and urging me to pull down my tray table. Odd, don’t they usually wake you up so you can do the opposite? Groggily, I pulled down the tray in a dreamy, Charlie pre-golden ticket state to reveal a (not gold but) yellow sticker proclaiming, “Congrats! You …

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4 Ways to Post Videos to Instagram and How To Do Them (video)

By Katie Curtis | Aug 29, 2018 | 0 Comments
There are so many places to put videos nowadays...

I got asked a question about posting videos to Instagram. It was about that vague- I mean, there are FOUR main ways to post videos to Instagram, which way did they mean?   In true Katie-style, when the choice is “big” or “home” we choose big. SO. Here are the four ways to post videos …

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Why and When would we use a Two Camera Shoot?

By Katie Curtis | Aug 23, 2018 | 0 Comments
Thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment right there

I just got asked this question “I’ve noticed a lot of people using two cameras including a shot of themselves on the side when they’re actually facing the other camera, why?” Great question! And it’s one I’ve taken for granted. My answer was, “I do it because it looks cool!” But that’s not entirely accurate. …

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Three ways to turn a vertical or horizontal video square in Final Cut Pro X (video)

By Katie Curtis | Aug 22, 2018 | 0 Comments
Loki just tolerated that helmet. Until she wanted to eat it.

Tutorial starts at 1:37 if you don’t want to hear some information about square videos and such. Do you own Final Cut and have you been wondering how to make a square video like you see all over Facebook? This tutorial will give you three ways to do it! Article I referenced:…   Stay …

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Video Marketing Inspiration: Create a space you love

By Katie Curtis | Aug 16, 2018 | 0 Comments
Isn't it pretty??

“I don’t want to do a video, my space is a mess” I get this a lot. And I get it! I look back on old videos where I “Just did it” because I was being pressured  (Hi Sandi. 😉 ) and while it was good to get the video out there, I cringe at …

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Tips & Tricks

There's a thumbs up next to a cool coffee video still and a thumbs down next to a dog post

Don’t do THIS with your Social Media Videos

I see this mistake made with business's social media video posts. And their photo and text posts too. Don't do this!
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There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

Ever played with Canva? Let's make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.
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Video Marketing MAGIC

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …
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