Gotta Read Blog!

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

By Katie Curtis | Jun 15, 2022 | 0 Comments
There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Ever played with Canva? Let’s make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.

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Video Marketing and Efficiency

By Katie Curtis | Jun 10, 2022 | 0 Comments
katie is on the job site with a video camera in her hand and she is smiling

Construction Wisdom I learned a very valuable lesson while working for my dad’s swimming pool company. While the muscles I gained picking up 94 pound bags of Portland cement gave me feelings of confidence, and the tolerance for being sweaty/dirty/hot gave me a “get ‘er done” attitude, if you’d asked me what’s the biggest lesson …

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Canva: Your New Marketing Best Friend (VIDEO)

By Katie Curtis | Jun 7, 2022 | 0 Comments
cartoon katie with a bubble says What is Canva

I used to be overwhelmed with all the software and know-how I needed to run the visual content of my business. Enter Canva. I hardly open Photoshop anymore because of this app/website and I feel like my business has a much more defined brand now, even as I’m still exploring and figuring things out. With …

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June Updates (VIDEO)

By Katie Curtis | Jun 7, 2022 | 0 Comments
This is a picture of Katie looking into the distance with the words June Updates next to her

It’s been some time since I’ve made a video, and some SOME time since I’ve done so with any sort of consistency. But we’re back at it and have a lot planned. Not to say it’s all going to work out (in fact, I imagine most of it won’t!) but, what doesn’t work will provide …

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Get More and Better Work Done : 5 Takeaways from Cal Newport’s “Deep Work”

By Katie Curtis | Jun 2, 2022 | 0 Comments
This is a photo of a phone showing the audiobook "Deep work"

There are two abilities necessary for success in the New Economy: the ability to quickly master hard things and the ability to produce at an elite level. Both depend on your ability to perform deep work.

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Video Marketing MAGIC

By Katie Curtis | Mar 2, 2022 | 1 Comment

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …

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How-To: Tag Your Personal Friends on Your Business Facebook Page

By Katie Curtis | Feb 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

Recently I uploaded a bunch of photos of some great people to my business facebook page. I wanted to tag the people in the photos and… found out I couldn’t. As my business page my friends did not show up. As my personal page, I couldn’t even tag. Thankfully a quick jaunt into “Settings” solved …

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Happy Birthday Puppies!

By Katie Curtis | Feb 22, 2021 | 0 Comments

Puppies during lockdown was a serendipitous experience. Outside of the endless crying (there were NINE puppies…) and even more bottomless pooping (NINE!), I’d say it ended too quickly. But wow, here we are a year later and my, what a difference a year can make. Let’s love on these not-so-babies, shall we?

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Change Your Default Settings

By Katie Curtis | Feb 26, 2020 | 0 Comments

When you first get your camera, it’s typically set to “Auto”. Your camera has default settings telling the camera how to take the picture. You get automatic decisions made about how bright the photo is, how saturated (full of color) it is, the range of colors, how much of the photo will be in focus …

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2019 DragonCon Video Highlight Reel

By Katie Curtis | Oct 23, 2019 | 2 Comments

If you had seen a few months back, I stated that at Dragoncon this year, I would be focused on improving my videography skills. The plan was to bull doze into many new areas in all of pre-production, production AND in post. Specifically I worked on: In-Camera transitions. (see 0:23 the TARDIS to Dcon sign, …

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Tips & Tricks

There's a thumbs up next to a cool coffee video still and a thumbs down next to a dog post

Don’t do THIS with your Social Media Videos

I see this mistake made with business's social media video posts. And their photo and text posts too. Don't do this!
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There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

Ever played with Canva? Let's make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.
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Video Marketing MAGIC

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …
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