Gotta Read Blog!

The 4 Questions to be Asking Yourself on the Daily

By Katie Curtis | Feb 1, 2018 | 0 Comments
What a magical place

Going back to boot camp a couple of weeks ago, (seriously, some days you learn more and have more ideas in one day than in many spans of days!) I came up with several questions to live by and so far, when applied, they are doing me well.Perhaps you saw the “why” video, the first two …

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What is my “Why”, and what is YOUR “Why”? (video)

By Katie Curtis | Jan 28, 2018 | 0 Comments

Why do you do what you do? And the answer is not “for money”. At the core of it, WHY do you do… anything? Everything? What you’re doing? Here is my answer to that question. In case you were interested. 😉 Happy #VlogsonSaturdays y’all! Slowly but surely, I am getting on track and figuring out …

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Thank you 2017, Hello 2018!

By Katie Curtis | Jan 2, 2018 | 0 Comments

One year ago today I launched “Inspired Video Marketing” as my full time gig. (Okay FINE, hecklers, it wasn’t called “Inspired Video Marketing back then). I don’t remember what thoughts I had going into it. What I DO remember is that half of January 1, 2017 was spent on my bed, listening to an audiobook, …

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10 Legendary Lessons on Video Chronicling a Legendary Pool

By Katie Curtis | Sep 12, 2017 | 0 Comments

    This summer has been a whopper! You all know that after having worked Pool Construction for 3 years while doing Video Marketing part time, I made the leap to video full time January 1 of this year. Somehow this summer I ended up marrying the two and have been chronicling the making of …

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Katie’s Down and Dirty Guide to Clean Video on a Smart Phone

By Katie Curtis | Jun 25, 2017 | 0 Comments

Many of us know that doing video is an important aspect to our social media strategy, but it just seems so hard and daunting! We may be able to present in front of a big group, but the thought of speaking alone to a camera is… well, scary. We think so because it’s an unknown; …

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What is Vlogging? (VIDEO)

By Katie Curtis | Apr 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

So you don’t have to watch me ramble for 2 1/2 minutes, vlogging is just a video blog. Instead of reading the content, you are watching it. Most vlogs take place using a computer webcam or in a situation that LOOKS like a computer’s webcam, but sometimes the person is on site, narrating something. You’ll …

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8 Great Resources for your Video Marketing Endeavors

By Katie Curtis | Apr 3, 2017 | 4 Comments

I love lists. I also love well thought out resources that make life so much easier because when you have a question or need something done, you know they are there. To combine these loves, I have put together a list for you all of my top favorite resources I use in regards to my …

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PLEASE DEAR GOD choose “Custom Thumbnail”

By Katie Curtis | Mar 30, 2017 | 0 Comments

A few (several?) weeks ago I posted a blog called “5 Things to consider while uploading your video”. And I cannot believe myself that I forgot to talk about Custom Thumbnails. D’OH! I think it’s okay, because “custom thumbnails” really should have its own blog anyway. So there. A thumbnail is the image you see …

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Have you ever wondered where concrete comes from?

By Katie Curtis | Mar 27, 2017 | 0 Comments
This was so cool to see!

I’ve been working a lot with Legendary Escapes and the Ask the Pool Guy brands. I was super pumped when they asked me if we could do this! Take a sneak peek into the behind the scenes of a concrete plant and where concrete comes from in this video. Website of Guidobono Concrete Website of …

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Getting “Gutsy” with Mayniax Branding. What I learned and what you should takeaway.

By Katie Curtis | Mar 16, 2017 | 0 Comments
How cute are we???

Two days ago I sat down with Dave Murray, the spirited and passionate co-founder of Mayniax Branding. This meeting had been preordained for awhile. Everywhere I went I was bombarded with “Oh! Have you met Dave yet?” “You should meet Dave!” “I know this guy Dave…” Some things in life are just synchronistic, and after …

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Tips & Tricks

There's a thumbs up next to a cool coffee video still and a thumbs down next to a dog post

Don’t do THIS with your Social Media Videos

I see this mistake made with business's social media video posts. And their photo and text posts too. Don't do this!
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There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

Ever played with Canva? Let's make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.
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Video Marketing MAGIC

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …
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