Gotta Read Blog!

Can I See What Ads People are Running on Facebook? Yes, yes you can.

By Katie Curtis | Sep 11, 2019 | 0 Comments
this is showing the ad library of facebook

It feels like I’m spying every time I check out whether or not a company is running ads on Facebook. What are your thoughts? Somehow you found your way onto this blog, before you knew it was possible, did it feel like cheating to you? Because really, we can look at what our “competitor” is …

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Consistency > Perfection with Video

By Katie Curtis | Sep 6, 2019 | 0 Comments
teal headphones, coffee a laptop and a sign that says "Things to do: Own today"

I think it’s a common desire, the elusive “Being Discovered”. The thought goes, “If I put forth this ONE. PERFECT. THING. someone will see it and notice me. I will be whisked away into stardom and fame befitting my awesomeness.” I’m not here to crush all your dreams. There is always that CHANCE. And, there …

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You can add extra urls to your Instagram Account with this one tool

By Katie Curtis | Sep 4, 2019 | 0 Comments
Turn one Instagram Link into as many as you'd like

It’s so annoying to try to link to something in an Instagram post (a blog referenced, a vlog, a product…) and suddenly remember that the url won’t be live and someone will need to type that web address into their browser to see it because it’s not a hyperlink. My guess is that Instagram wants …

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I Want to add Music to my Videos – How Do I Do That? (iPhone/iPad)

By Katie Curtis | Aug 28, 2019 | 0 Comments
This is a photo of a record player and record

I’ve gotten this question from enough business owners / solopreneurs that I think it’s worth writing a blog to address it. Now, with all of the technology out there, everyone seems to have their own system. Some of us edit on Macs. Some on PCs. Some film and edit on phones or tablets, which leads …

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How-to Create a Facebook Business Page 2019

By Katie Curtis | Aug 27, 2019 | 0 Comments

A while back I posted the tutorial about linking your Instagram to your Facebook – I had needed an un-linked set of accounts so I could show that. In order to do that, I needed to create a facebook business page for my Princess Katie’s Ponies (feel free to laugh. 😉 ) and I figured, …

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I’m not cosplaying at Dragon*Con 2019 and here’s why

By Katie Curtis | Aug 25, 2019 | 0 Comments

Last year I went to Dragon*Con 2018 for the first time after being completely jealous on September 3, 2017 when my friends who had went told me all the fun things they had done. When I went last year, I brought costumes with me and during the four days I was there became Regular Sailor …

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Don’t Make These 7 Drone Mistakes

By Katie Curtis | Aug 22, 2019 | 0 Comments

After having my drone for a year now, I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I’d call myself exactly what you might need if you were “about-to-buy-a-drone” / “just-bought-one-and-are-taking-it-out-of-the-package-right-now”. Unless you have a plethora of experience flying or using remote controlled vehicles, you will make lots of mistakes. Just don’t make the same dumb mistakes …

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What does “User-Generated Content” Mean?

By Katie Curtis | Aug 15, 2019 | 0 Comments
Just me and muh dad

According to our trust-worthy friend, Wikipedia, (take THAT teachers who told me I couldn’t site Wikipedia) “User-generated content (UGC)… is any form of content, such as images, videos, text and audio, that have been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis.[“ How does this differ from “content” in general? The difference is between YOU as your …

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How-To Link your Instagram Account to your Facebook Business Page

By Katie Curtis | Aug 14, 2019 | 0 Comments
I thought the stripes were fun

As a business owner I like to save time and consolidate where I can. I’m sure you can relate. Unless you have a giant marketing team, you have to do it all yourself, from making the content specific for each platform to tagging, describing and posting it. It’s overwhelming! Of course there are tools out …

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Tips & Tricks

There's a thumbs up next to a cool coffee video still and a thumbs down next to a dog post

Don’t do THIS with your Social Media Videos

I see this mistake made with business's social media video posts. And their photo and text posts too. Don't do this!
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There are polka dots on a pink background and it says how to make a thumbnail on canva gary see inspired

Canva Makes Video Thumbnails EASY

Ever played with Canva? Let's make a simple video thumbnail to begin! Gary Vee inspired this one.
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Video Marketing MAGIC

So. I’m trying to sit down and have a normal, productive day of work. And it’s really failing because I can’t get Brandon Sanderson’s latest announcement out of my head. When I watched it, sent to me this morning, it was a #1 on trending. At this point, it’s been out for about exactly a …
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